Louise holds a PhD in political science from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2017-2021). She conducted her doctoral and post-doctoral research at the VUB, UCLouvain and ULB studying various aspects of the nexus between democracy and the environment; focusing on environmental social movements, the crisis of representative democracy, and ecological emotions



Louise holds a PhD in political science from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2017-2021). She conducted her doctoral and post-doctoral research at the VUB, UCLouvain and ULB studying various aspects of the nexus between democracy and the environment; focusing on environmental social movements, the crisis of representative democracy, and ecological emotions. Since the 1st October 2024 she holds the ULB Chair of Environmental Humanities, within SONYA-IGEAT, where she teaches environmental sociology and political ecology, among others, and qualitative methods for interdisciplinary research. She has published in leading international journals such as Environmental Politics, South Atlantic Quarterly, Representation and Mobilization. Her forthcoming manuscript on political indignation will be published in the Mobilization Series of Routledge. She is also lecturer at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, in political science, where she teaches political ecology. 

Teaching and activities

Professor of Environmental Humanities, teaching various courses within the Master on Environmental Studies at the ULB, such as Socio-Environmental Dynamics (ENVIF403), Qualitative Methods for Interdisciplinary research (ENVFI422). Supervising Master theses and PhDs. 

Research Areas
  • Environmental political theory
  • Social movements
  • Ecological democracy
  • Ecological emotions
  • Affect theory


  • Knops, L., Celis, K., Van Ingelgom, V., Mercenier, H., Randour, F. (2024). "Bitter-Sweet Democracy?: Analyzing citizens' resentment towards politics in Belgium." (2024): 338.https://www.openbookpublishers.com/books/10.11647/obp.0401
  • Knops, L. (2024). Du désarroi au désir d’alignement : trajectoire émotionnelle et politique dans : « Être enseignant·e chercheur·se en anthropocène : Diagnostic – résistance – utopie », édité par Geneviève Fabry et Charlotte Luyckx, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, forthcoming.
  • Knops, L. (2024). System change, not climate change, in The Land of Hope, edited by Cathy Macharis, C. Stichting Kunstboek, forthcoming.
  • Knops, L. (2024). Beyond the indignation of young climate activists: the political potential of climate-emotions. In Research Handbook on the Sociology of Youth (pp. 53-68). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Knops, L. (2023). The fear we feel everyday: Affective temporalities in Fridays for Future. South Atlantic Quarterly, 122(1), 203-214.
  • De Moor, J., Hayes, G.., Kenis, A., Knops, L. (2023)., (eds). Running Out of Time? Critical Reflections on the Politics of Time in Recent Waves of Climate Activism, Against the Day, Special Issue, in South Atlantic Quarterly, Duke University Press.
  • Knops, L. & De Vydt, M. (2023). Capitalism at the roots: the crisis of representative democracy through the eyes of Belgian climate activists, Environmental Politics, DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2023.2180922.
  • Knops, L. & Petit, G. (2022). Indignation as Affective Transformation: an Affect-Theoretical Approach to the Belgian Yellow Vests Movement.  Mobilization: An International Quarterly 27(2): 170-192.
  • Knops, L. (2022). Towards an Affective Turn in Theories of Representation: the Case of Indignation. Representation, DOI: 10.1080/00344893.2022.2091011.
  • Knops, L. (2021). Stuck between the Modern and the Terrestrial: the Indignation of the Youth for Climate Movement, Political Research Exchange, 3(1), 1-31.
  • Celis, K. Knops, L., Van Ingelgom, V. and Verhaegen, S. (2021). Resentment and coping with the democratic dilemma, Politics and Governance, Special Issue: Reactionary Politics and Resentful Affect in Populist Times, 9(3): 237–247.
  • Knops, L. Severs, E. (2019). Self-Appointed Representatives on Facebook: The case of the Belgian Citizen Platform for Refugee Support, International Journal of Communication, 13(2019), 5610–5628.
  • Knops, L., De Cleen, B. (2019). The Radical Right versus the Media: from Media Critique to Claims of (Mis)Representation, Politics and Governance, 7(3), 165–178.
  • Knops, L. (2019). Voices of 1968: Documents from the Global North, Book Review. Interface: A journal for and about Social Movements, 11(2), 120-124.

Mail: Louise.knops@ulb.be

Office: (Usquare)

Postal address: Université libre de Bruxelles (cp273), Avenue FD Roosevelt 50, B-1050 Brussels

Updated on September 26, 2024