Edwin Zaccai holds a doctorate in environmental science, he is a civil engineer-physicist and a graduate in philosophy. Full professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (emeritus since 2020). He founded the Center for Sustainable Development Studies (CEDD) in 1997 within the Institute for Environmental Management and Regional Planning (IGEAT), of which he was president. E. Zaccai was also a lecturer at Sciences Po Paris.


Edwin Zaccai holds a doctorate in environmental science, he is a civil engineer-physicist and a graduate in philosophy. Full professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (emeritus since 2020). He founded the Center for Sustainable Development Studies (CEDD) in 1997 within the Institute for Environmental Management and Regional Planning (IGEAT), of which he was president. E. Zaccai was also a lecturer at Sciences Po Paris.

Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium, Technology and Society class. Member of the Federal Council for Sustainable Development (1997-2012). For the greater part of his career, Edwin Zaccai worked in academia, but he served also in the private sector and in a non governmental association.

Research areas

My research and teaching focus on different aspects of sustainable development affecting the transformations of societies as a result of environmental and climatic issues. I have published on a number of interdisciplinary and often collaborative subjects: precautionary principle, environmental indicators, environmental inequalities, sustainable consumption, history of environmental ideas, climate controversies, adaptation to climate change.
Education and activities
  • Direction of 200 theses for the Master in environmental science and management
  • Director of the Environment and Society Department at ULB which organizes broadcasted conferences: http://cedd-pes.com/
  • Journals (selection) : Member of the scientific committee of Belgeo and Développement durable des Teerritoires. Member of the editorial board of Natures Sciences Sociétés.
  • Co-chaired the ULB ethics committee (2015-2020)
  • Co-directed Penser la Science, at ULB (2015-2020), https://penserlascience.ulb.ac.be/


NB. No longer takes new doctoral students
1. Tom Bauler, "Indicators for sustainable development: a discussion of their usability", 2007
2. Bruno Kestemont, "Integration of the environment in development: critical analysis", 2010
3. Simon Bisore, “Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Barriers and Opportunities for Africa’s Least Developed Countries: Case of Burundi”, 2012. Co-direction: Prof. Walter Hecq
4. Marie-Ange Baudoin, "Study of the adaptation to climate change of rural African populations: the case of farming communities in southern Benin", 2012
5. Arnaud Brohé, "Achievements and limits of carbon markets: assessment and prospects", 2014
6. Valentine van Gameren, "Adaptation to climate change in Wallonia: the role of private forest owners in the forest-wood sector", 2014
7. Julien Vanhulst, "The winding paths of development: An analysis of the Latin American academic discourse", Co-direction Prof. Alejandro Pelfini. 2/4/2015 (Brussels) 9/9/2015 (Santiago)
8. Romain Weikmans, “International financing for adaptation to climate change: what vision for aid?”, 2015
9. Grégoire Wallenborn, "Energy efficiency and rebound effects: theoretical deficiencies and practical paradoxes", 2015
10. Quentin Wodon, "Household vulnerability from weather shocks. Case studies on coping, adaptation and migration the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia", Co-direction Prof. Francois Gemenne. 2016
11. Marine Lugen, "Climate services and adaptation to climate change in developing countries. From international construction arenas to beneficiary farmers in Burkina Faso". 2019
12. Samuel Lietaer, “Migrants 'adaptive agents' for their community of origin? Translocal analysis of political transfers in a context of socio-environmental changes. The case of the Haalpulaar of Senegal in Belgium ” Co-direction Prof. Francois Gemenne. 2021


Selection limited to books only
    •    Corten P., Van Haver P., De Jonge W., Zaccai E., Vivre ou survivre?, Lannoo, Tielt, 1998, 160 p. (Translated in Dutch, Leven of overleven ?)
    •    Zaccai E., Missa JN., Le principe de précaution. Significations et conséquences, Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 234 p., 2000
    •    Zaccai E., Le développement durable. Dynamique et constitution d’un projet, Presses Inter-universitaires Européennes, Peter Lang, Bern – Brussels, 358 p., 2002
    •    Neyrinck E., Vanoverschelde A., Bauler T., Zaccai E., Hens L., Pallemaerts M., Making globalization sustainable? The Johannesburg Summit and beyond, VUB University Press, Brussels, 262 p., 2003
    •    Rapport sur l'état de l'environnement. Tableau de bord de l'environnement wallon 2003, Ministère de la Région Wallonne, Direction Générale des Ressources naturelles et de l'Environnement, Namur, 2003, 142 p. Auteur : Cellule État de l’environnement wallon. Direction scientifique : Ph. Bourdeau, C. Hallet, E. Zaccai
    •    Rapport sur l’état de l’environnement. Tableau de bord de l’environnement wallon 2004, Ministère de la Région wallonne, DGRNE, 2003, 142 p. Auteur : Cellule État de l’environnement wallon. Direction scientifique : Ph. Bourdeau, C. Hallet, E. Zaccai
    •    Rapport sur l’état de l’environnement. Tableau de bord de l’environnement wallon 2005, Ministère de la Région wallonne, DGRNE, Namur, 2005, 160 p. Auteur : Cellule État de l’environnement wallon. Direction scientifique : Ph. Bourdeau, C. Hallet, E. Zaccai
    •    Cornut P., Zaccai E., Bauler T., Environnement et inégalités sociales, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 214 p., 2007
    •    Zaccai E. (dir.), Sustainable Consumption, Ecology and Fair Trade, Edited book, London, Routledge, 256 p., 2007 (Chinese translation, via Routledge, 2014)
    •    Rapport analytique 2006-2007 sur l'état de l'environnement wallon, Ministère de la Région wallonne, DGRNE, Namur, 2007, 736 p. Coordination universitaire de la Cellule État de l’environnement wallon.
    •    Zaccai E., Haynes I., La société de consommation face aux défis écologiques, La Documentation française, Coll. "Problèmes économiques et sociaux" N°958, Paris, 2008
    •    Zaccai E., 25 ans de poursuite du développement durable. Et après ? Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 240 p., 2011
    •    Zaccai E., Gemenne F. Decroly J-M., Controverses climatiques, sciences et politiques, Presses de Sciences Po, Paris, 2012
    •    Van Gameren V., Weikmans R., Zaccai E., L'adaptation aux changements climatiques, Coll. Repères, La Découverte, Paris, 2014
    •    Zaccai, E., Timmermans B., Hudon M., Clerbaux B., Leclercq B., Berisini H. (dir.), L'évaluation de la recherche en question(s). Penser la science, Académie royale de Belgique, Monographie Bruxelles, 2016
    •    Bourdeau Ph., Moreau R., Zaccai E., Le développement non durable, Académie royale de Belgique, L’Académie en poche, Bruxelles, 2018
    •    Zaccai E., Deux degrés. Les sociétés face au changement climatique, Presses de Sciences Po, Paris, 2019
    •    Zaccai E. (dir.), Des valeurs en monde académique. Critique, imagination, interdépendances, Académie royale de Belgique, Collection Tranversales, 2021

Other publications

See his page on Researchgate

Mail: ezaccai@ulb.be
Room: DB6.157, Campus Solbosch, Bâtiment D
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50, 1050 Brussels, CP 130/03
Updated on May 30, 2023